Matilda Bautelspacher, deceased |
Cicero, IL
Historical Events |
Eastland Disaster |
Lakeview |
German |
Mautene Court |
Chicago, IL
Buildings & Structures |
User Contributions |
West Town |
Residence |
German |
Meyer Residence |
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families |
CGS Pioneers |
Near North Side |
Residence |
German |
pre-fire |
Minnie Dziondziak, deceased |
Chicago, IL
Historical Events |
Eastland Disaster |
West Town |
German |
Montrose Cemetery |
Chicago, IL
Public Spaces |
Cemeteries |
North Park |
Open space |
German |
graveyard |
Natalby's German Restaurant |
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
ChicagoPC Postcards |
Loop |
German |
restaurant |
Niebling Residence |
Archer Ave. and Throop St.
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families |
CGS Pioneers |
Bridgeport |
Residence |
German |
pre-fire |
Otto Fischer, deceased |
Chicago, IL
Historical Events |
Eastland Disaster |
North Lawndale |
German |
Our Lady of Perpetual Help |
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions |
Roman Catholic Churches |
North Lawndale |
House of worship |
Roman Catholic |
German |
Church |
Paul Dalgner, deceased |
LaGrange, IL
Historical Events |
Eastland Disaster |
Lakeview |
German |
Peter Emmel Home |
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families |
Chicago Genealogist |
Near North Side |
Residence |
German |
P. Emmel Building |
Peter Seyl Home |
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families |
Chicago Genealogist |
Lincoln Park |
Residence |
German |
Seyle Family |
Porm Residence |
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families |
CGS Pioneers |
Lower West Side |
Residence |
German |
prefire |
Poths Residence |
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families |
CGS Pioneers |
Loop |
Residence |
German |
pre-fire |
Randolph German Restaurant |
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports |
Digitized Books |
Loop |
German |
restaurant |
Red Starr Inn |
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports |
Digitized Books |
Near North Side |
German |
restaurant |
Roeder Residence |
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families |
CGS Pioneers |
Near North Side |
Residence |
Roman Catholic |
German |
prefire |
Rohrig Saloon |
Chicago, IL
Buildings & Structures |
User Contributions |
Near West Side |
Business |
Lutheran |
German |
saloon |
Rome Residence |
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families |
CGS Pioneers |
Near North Side |
Residence |
German |
Rome Residence |
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families |
CGS Pioneers |
Near North Side |
Residence |
German |
prefire |