
Displaying 181 - 200 of 281
Place Street Address Topic Collection Community Structure Type Denomination Ethnicity Tags
Rose Dunne, deceased
3033 S. Keeler
Chicago, IA
Historical Events Eastland Disaster South Lawndale German
Sacred Heart
70th and May
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions Roman Catholic Churches Englewood House of worship Roman Catholic German Church
Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church Cemetery
8447 Harms Road
Skokie, IL
Public Spaces Cemeteries Open space Lutheran German graveyard
Salem Evangelical Church
Archer Avenue and 21st Street
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions User Contributions Armour Square House of worship German Macedonians
Schairer Residence
100 N. Wells Street
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families CGS Pioneers Loop Residence German pre-fire
Schlogl's Restaurant
37 N. Wells St.
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports Digitized Books Loop German restaurant
Schmidt / Fortman home
6836 N. Ridge Ave.
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families Newsletter Collection West Ridge Residence German genealogy
Schmitt Residence
812 W. 27th St.
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families CGS Pioneers Bridgeport Residence German pre-fire
Schuh Residence
1026 N. State Street
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families CGS Pioneers Near North Side Residence German prefire
Schwartz Residence
Wabansia Ave. and Elston Ave.
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families CGS Pioneers West Town Residence German pre-fire
Schwickrath Residence
26th St. and Canal St.
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families CGS Pioneers Armour Square Residence Roman Catholic German pre-fire
Six Residence
813 N. Clark Street
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families CGS Pioneers Near North Side Residence German prefire
Slining Residence
Wells St. and Quincy St.
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families CGS Pioneers Loop Residence German pre-fire
Soergel Residence
1238 Hastings St.
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families CGS Pioneers Near West Side Residence Lutheran German pre-fire
Sophia Bruesch, deceased
414 Hein Pl. (Now Goethe St.)
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families Eastland Disaster Near North Side German
Spuck Residence
22nd St. and Halsted St.
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families CGS Pioneers Lower West Side Residence Lutheran German pre-fire
St. Aloysius
LeMoyne and Claremont
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions Roman Catholic Churches West Town House of worship Roman Catholic German Church
St. Alphonsus
Southport, Wellington and Lincoln
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions Roman Catholic Churches Lake View House of worship Roman Catholic German
St. Anthony of Padua
28th Place and Wallace St.
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions Roman Catholic Churches Bridgeport House of worship Roman Catholic German Church
St. Augustine
5037 S. Laflin
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions Roman Catholic Churches New City House of worship Roman Catholic German Church