
Displaying 101 - 120 of 281
Place Street Address Topic Collection Community Structure Type Denomination Ethnicity Tags
Herbert Buelow, deceased
2720 S. Harding
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster South Lawndale German
Hesse Residence
13th St. and Halsted St.
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families CGS Pioneers Near West Side Residence German pre-fire
Hetzel Jr. Residence
600 W. Belden Ave.
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families CGS Pioneers Lincoln Park Residence German prefire
Hetzel Sr. Residence
1351 N. Mohawk Street
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families CGS Pioneers Near North Side Residence German Chicago Genealogical Society
Hill Residence
700 S. Financial Place
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families CGS Pioneers Loop Residence German Chicago Genealogical Society
Holy Ghost
4341 W. Adams
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions Roman Catholic Churches West Garfield Park House of worship Roman Catholic German Church
Holy Trinity at the Medical Center
Taylor and Wolcott
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions Roman Catholic Churches Near West Side House of worship Roman Catholic German Church
Hoth Residence
16th St. and Carpenter St.
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families CGS Pioneers Lower West Side Residence German pre-fire
Illinois Staats-Zeitung
Washington St. and Wells St.
Chicago, IL
Groups & Organizations Midwest Manuscript Collection Loop Commercial building German Newspaper
Immaculate Conception
31st and Aberdeen
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions Roman Catholic Churches Bridgeport House of worship Roman Catholic German Church
Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery
1839-1877 Chestnut Avenue
Glenview, IL
Public Spaces Cemeteries Near North Side Open space Lutheran German graveyard
Jacob and Josephine Loacker Home
4419 W. Armitage Ave.
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families Chicago Genealogist Hermosa Residence German Jacob and Josephine Loacker
Jacobs Residence
Larabbee St. between Chicago Ave. and Kingsbury St,
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families CGS Pioneers Near North Side Residence Roman Catholic German pre-fire
Jochim Residence
1811 Fremont St.
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families CGS Pioneers Lincoln Park Residence Lutheran German pre-fire
John Braitsch, deceased
227 Arthur Ave.
Brookfield, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview German
John C. Koch and Emma Froelich Home
1538 W. Cornelia Ave.
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families Chicago Genealogist Lake View Residence German John Charles Koch
John Frelich, deceased
2453 Thomas St.
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster West Town German
John Heinrich Schuenemann
1400 Chestnut St.
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families Chicago Genealogist West Town Residence German John Heinrich Schuenemann
John M. Blaich, Jr., deceased
1349 S. Komensky Ave.
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster North Lawndale German
John V. May Funeral Home
4553 N. Milwaukee
Chicago, IL
Buildings & Structures Newsletter Collection Portage Park Business German Jefferson Park