
Displaying 41 - 60 of 281
Place Street Address Topic Collection Community Structure Type Denomination Ethnicity Tags
Buscher Residence
1123 S. May St.
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families CGS Pioneers Near West Side Residence German pre-fire
Buschman Residence
1335 N. Wells St.
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families CGS Pioneers Near North Side Residence German pre-fire
Carl Much and Paulina Hallman Much Home
2319 W. Belmont Ave.
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families Chicago Genealogist North Center Mixed-use building German Carl Much
Caroline Affeld, deceased
2834 Wallace St.
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Bridgeport German
Caroline DeTamble, deceased
2549 W. North Ave.
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster West Town German
Catherine Fuchs, deceased
130 W. 46th Pl.
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Fuller Park German
Charles Bluck, deceased
4317 S. Maplewood Ave.
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Brighton Park German
Charles Zickerman House
5253 W. Leland
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families Newsletter Collection Portage Park Residence German Jefferson Park
Clara Grandt, deceased
4326 S. Whipple
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Brighton Park German
Dankmar Adler Papers
Indiana Ave. between 26th and 29th
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families Midwest Manuscript Collection Douglas Residence Jewish German genealogy
Des Plaines Cemetery
1100 Rand Road
Des Plaines, IL
Public Spaces Cemeteries Open space Lutheran German graveyard
Dreffein Residence
1048 N. Marshfield Avenue
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families CGS Pioneers West Town Residence German CGS
Edward Grimms, deceased
3018 Tripp Ave.
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster South Lawndale German
Edward Hennings, deceased
4224 W. 31st St.
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster South Lawndale German
Edwin Gaberbauer, deceased
1939 Newport Ave.
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster North Center German
Eitel's Old Heidelberg Rathskeller
Randolph near State
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images ChicagoPC Postcards Loop Built structure German restaurant
Elizabeth Bosch, deceased
1248 S. Millard
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster North Lawndale German
Elizabeth Harke, deceased
3815 S. Wolcott St.
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster McKinley Park German
Emma Grossman, deceased
2408 W. 12th St.
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster North Lawndale German
Evangelical Lutheran Zion Church
91st & Superior (later Burley)
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions Lutheran Churches South Chicago Lutheran German