Little Jack's (restaurant)

Street Address: 
3175 West Madison Street
Chicago, IL

Culled from: Drury, John. Dining in Chicago, New York: The John Day Company, 1931, pp. 85-87.

Note: The Newberry Library holds the personal papers of author John Drury.


Little Jack of Madison Street

Twenty-five years ago "Little Jack" Levin sold sandwiches in a small West Madison Street shop to students at the Lewis Institute and numerous medical schools that abounded on the west side. Today, further west on Madison Street, "Little Jack" Levin conducts one of the leading restaurants in Chicago, the rendezvous of Chicago's officialdom and the bright particular star of gourmets from all over town. It was food, the best quality of food prepared in the best possible manner, and food only, that put Little Jack's on the gastronomic map of Chicago.

This house offers no specialties. "Every item is a specialty with us," explains Jack Levin. His menu is large and varied and tempting with steaks, chops, sea foods, poultry, salads and pastry. The Sirloin Steak a la Little Jack is tender, juicy and done to the proper turn; the imported Russian caviar is something not to be missed; chicken stew, Spanish style en casserole, as served here, cannot be duplicated; and the broiled jumbo whitefish is on a par with that of the best sea food restaurants in town. Little Jack's features daily specials as well as a varied assortment of pies, cakes and pastries from its own ovens. The outstanding impression you get from Little Jack's is food of fresh wholesome quality, expertly prepared.

Small wonder, then, that city officials, from the Mayor down, and politicians of every type and degree, have made Little Jack's their rendezvous. Here, any evening, you're likely to run into them — Mayor Anton Cermak, Commissioner of Police John Alcock, Sheriff William D. Meyering, Coroner Herman N. Bundesen, State's Attorney John A. Swanson, Bailiff Al Horan, President W, R. James of the West Park Board, Governor Louis L. Emmerson, Former Commissioner of Police Morgan A. Collins, Colonel A. L. Brodie of the American Legion, Police Captain John Prendergast, and Coroner's Physician L M. Fienberg. Stars of the newspaper and theatrical world come here too. It seems that everybody of any importance in the official life of Chicago knows Little Jack Levin, who has a flair for hospitality hard to match.

You'll find this place a real treat and if it be a hot summer's evening, the atmosphere of the various dining rooms will be air-cooled; if you come in your car there is parking space at the rear of the establishment. And don't forget to shake hands with "Little Jack" himself. He'll be glad to see you.

Little Jack's American

3175 West Madison Street

Open all the time

Plate lunch, 50 cents. Table d'hote dinner, $1.00. Also a la carte and surprisingly reasonable

Maitre d'hotel: Jack Levin




1931 - 1931


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