City Cemetery

Street Address: 
Lincoln Park
Chicago, IL

Status: Closed
Established: 1843

"From 1843 through 1859, the only graveyards in the city of Chicago were in the area of the southern edge of Lincoln Park and the neighborhood now known as the Gold Coast. This cemetery cluster consisted of the City Cemetery, the Potter’s Field, the Jewish Cemetery and the Catholic Cemetery."
Find more at Hidden Truths: Chicago City Cemetery

Other Resources:
Encyclopedia of Chicago
Graveyards of Chicago
Historical Marker Database
Potter's Field Marker

In addition to the maps provided on "Hidden Truths," see Encyclopedia of Chicago


Chicago Genealogical Society. Chicago Cemetery Records, 1847-1863 : Sexton's Reports and Certificates, Treasurer Receipts, Deeds, and Undertakers' Reports
Chicago (P.O. Box 1160 60690-1160): Chicago Genealogical Society, Evansville Bindery, 2008.
Call No. Chicago Browsing F548.61.C45 2008

Simon, Andreas. Chicago, the Garden City: Its Magnificent Parks, Boulevards and Cemeteries: Together with Other Descriptive Views and Sketches
Chicago, Ill.: Franz Gindele Printing Co., 1893
Call No. W19.70
Digital copy available from the Open Content Alliance/Internet Archive.




1843 - 1866

Structure Type


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