Carl Schurz High School

Street Address: 
3601 N. Milwaukee Ave.
Chicago, IL

Current Name: Carl Schurz High School
Mailing Address: 3601 N. Milwaukee Ave.

Schurzone - The Newberry Library: 1929, 1931, 1939
Chicago History Museum: June 1931, Feb. 1932, June 1937


Check other libraries

More articles on Schurz:

"Carl Schurz bio. Notes, b. 1829, Ger.;IL"
Chicago Genealogist. Chicago IL: Spring 2001. Vol. 33- Iss. 3-

"Carl Schurz High School graduates, 1948-51"
Chicago Genealogist. Chicago IL: Spring 2001. Vol. 33- Iss. 3-

"Carl Schurz High School history"
Chicago Genealogist. Chicago IL: Spring 2001. Vol. 33- Iss. 3-

"Carl Schurz High School honor roll of deceased war veterans, 1944"
Chicago Genealogist. Chicago IL: Spring 2006. Vol. 38- Iss. 3-

"Carl Schurz High School class of 1926"
Chicago Genealogist. Chicago IL: Summer 2002. Vol. 34- Iss. 4-

"Carl Schurz H.S. graduates, 1925"
Chicago Genealogist. Chicago IL: Spring 2002. Vol. 34- Iss. 3-

Chicago Genealogist. Call No. Local History Ref F548.1 .C45 (2nd floor open shelf.)





1931 - 9999



Carl Schurz High School; Graduating Class - June 1925 Submitted by Nancy & Lee Vavrinek Chicago Genealogical Society Chicago Genealogist Vol. 34 No.3 (Spring 2002) pp.92-95.

Carl Schurz High School; Graduating Class of February 1926 Submitted by Lee & Nancy Vavrinek Chicago Genealogical Society Chicago Genealogist Vol. 34 No.4 (Summer 2002) pp.117-119. Jeanne Larzaler Bloom

Helen J. Howe was born in 1920, and would have attended Carl Schurz from approximately 1934-1938. Is there a directory or some way to get this information? Many thanks, Barbara Larson

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