1906-1908 Wabash Ave.

Street Address: 
1906-1908 Wabash Ave.
Chicago, IL

Case Number: 2794

Date: 3/25/1910

Location: L. Fish Furniture Co., 1906-1908 Wabash Ave.

Circumstances: fire

Victims: Minon W. Bell, Gertrude Quinn, Ethel Lichtenstein, Veronica McGrath, Mrs. Hannah Burden, Ethel Anderson, Lillian Sullivan, Rose Brunke, and 4-5 others

Defendant: Stoeckel, Leo

For more information, search the Homicide Database for this case number.

See also: 12 DEAD IN FIRE; INQUIRY STARTED: Authorities Begin Investigation into Responsibility for Tragedy in Store. MORE VICTIMS IN THE RUINS? Flames Sweep L. Fish Furniture Building After Gasoline Is Ignited by an Employe. WORK OF RESCUE IS THWARTED. (1910, March 26). Chicago Daily Tribune (1872-1963), p. 1.





1910 - 1910

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