Stop and Shop (restaurant)

Street Address: 
16 West Washington Street
Chicago, IL

Culled from: Drury, John. Dining in Chicago, New York: The John Day Company, 1931, p. 230.

Note: The Newberry Library holds the personal papers of author John Drury.

STOP AND SHOP, 16 West Washington Street

The Tiffin Restaurant, on the second floor of the most famous of Chicago's retail food shops, the Stop and Shop, located a few steps west of State Street, serves perfectly grand 65 cent table d'hote luncheons. There are half a dozen Tiffin Specials on the a la carte menu. The table d'hote dinner is $ 1.00. Open from 11 A.M. to 8 P.M. The room is large and attractively done in green and the tables are always crowded.




1931 - 1931


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