Old Town Coffee Room |
Basement, Hotel Sherman, Randolph at North Clark
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports |
Digitized Books |
Loop |
restaurant |
Oriental Gardens |
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
Digital Past |
Loop |
Business |
Oriental Gardens |
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
ChicagoPC Postcards |
Loop |
restaurant |
Oriental Gardens (restaurant) |
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports |
Digitized Books |
Loop |
Chinese |
restaurant |
Palace Hotel |
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
ChicagoPC Postcards |
Loop |
Residence (multi-family) |
hotel |
Palmer House |
State, Wabash, and Monroe Streets
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports |
Digitized Books |
Loop |
restaurant |
Palmer House (old and new) |
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
ChicagoPC Postcards |
Loop |
Residence (multi-family) |
hotel |
People's Synagogue Association |
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions |
Synagogue Collection |
Loop |
House of worship |
Jewish |
Synagogue |
Pesek Residence |
Chicago, IL
Buildings & Structures |
User Contributions |
Loop |
Residence (multi-family) |
Pesek |
Pete's Famous Steaks |
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
ChicagoPC Postcards |
Loop |
restaurant |
Pete's Steaks |
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports |
Digitized Books |
Loop |
restaurant |
Phelps-Dodge-Palmer Building |
Chicago, IL
Buildings & Structures |
Historic American Buildings Survey |
Loop |
Business |
Pixler and Ehlers |
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports |
Digitized Books |
Loop |
restaurant |
Pixley and Ehlers Restaurant |
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
ChicagoPC Postcards |
Loop |
restaurant |
Pletzer Residence |
Harrison St. and State St.
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families |
CGS Pioneers |
Loop |
Residence |
Bohemian |
pre-fire |
Plymouth Ct. near Polk St. |
Plymouth Ct. near Polk St.
Chicago, IL
Crime |
Homicide In Chicago |
Loop |
Plymouth PL. & Van Buren St. |
Plymouth PL. & Van Buren St.
Chicago, IL
Crime |
Homicide In Chicago |
Loop |
Polk and Clark St. |
Chicago, IL
Crime |
Homicide In Chicago |
Loop |
Polk and Fourth |
Chicago, IL
Crime |
Homicide In Chicago |
Loop |
Polk and State sts. |
Chicago, IL
Crime |
Homicide In Chicago |
Loop |