
Displaying 61 - 79 of 79
Place Street Address Topic Collection Community Structure Type Denomination Ethnicity Tags
Rose Henzlik, deceased
2428 S. Springfield
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster South Lawndale Bohemian
Sophia Homola, deceased
5527 W. 23rd
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview Bohemian
SS. Cyril and Methodius
50th and Hermitage
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions Roman Catholic Churches New City House of worship Roman Catholic Bohemian Church
St. Agnes of Bohemia
27th and Central Park
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions Roman Catholic Churches South Lawndale House of worship Roman Catholic Bohemian Church
St. John Nepomucene
30th and Lowe
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions Roman Catholic Churches Bridgeport House of worship Roman Catholic Bohemian Church
St. Joseph
730 W. 17th Place
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions Roman Catholic Churches Lower West Side House of worship Roman Catholic Bohemian Church
St. Ludmilla
24th and Albany
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions Roman Catholic Churches South Lawndale House of worship Roman Catholic Bohemian Church
St. Procopius
18th and Allport
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions Roman Catholic Churches Lower West Side House of worship Bohemian
St. Vitus
18th Place and Paulina
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions Roman Catholic Churches Lower West Side House of worship Roman Catholic Bohemian Church
St. Wenceslaus
DeKoven and Desplaines
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions Roman Catholic Churches Near West Side House of worship Roman Catholic Bohemian Church
Tupa Residence
16th St. and Clinton St.
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families CGS Pioneers Lower West Side Residence Bohemian pre-fire
Villim Residence
Cabrini St. and Canal St.
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families CGS Pioneers Near West Side Residence Bohemian pre-fire
Vincenc Holub, deceased
3457 W. 23rd
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster South Lawndale Bohemian
Vitous Residence
15th Pl. between Ashland Ave. and Paulina St.
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families CGS Pioneers Near West Side Residence Bohemian pre-fire
Vlasta Homola, deceased
5527 W. 23rd
Ap. 911
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview Bohemian
Wallish Residence
561 W. Dekoven Street
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families CGS Pioneers Near West Side Residence Bohemian prefire
William Fenik, deceased
5526 W. 23rd St.
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview Bohemian
William Fisher, deceased
2526 S. Hamlin
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster South Lawndale Bohemian
Wostaupal Residence
539 W. Taylor Street
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families CGS Pioneers Near West Side Residence Bohemian prefire