State Bank of Chicago
Street Address:
LaSalle and Lake
Chicago, IL
Submitted by aorlov on Wed, 2014-11-12 11:53
Northeast corner of LaSalle and Lake
"A History of the State Bank of Chicago from 1879-1904."
Chicago Genealogist vol. 25. no. 1(Fall 1992): 3-11. Henschen, Henry S.
Call no. Local History Ref. F. 548.1 .C45
A history of the first 25 years of the State Bank of Chicago, including biographical sketches of the bank's officers and a 1904 list of employees. This article is excerpted from a longer publication of the same title owned by the Newberry Library, Call no. H7783.168.
An online collection of the Chicago Genealogist is free to the public.
1879 - 1904