E. W. Reich's Restaurant

Street Address: 
118 S. Clark St.
Chicago, IL

Culled from: Drury, John. Dining in Chicago, New York: The John Day Company, 1931, p. 205.

Note: The Newberry Library holds the personal papers of author John Drury.

E. W. RIECH'S RESTAURANT, 118 South Clark Street

In the jargon of the man in the street, this counter lunch room is a "beanery." The only foods served are vegetable or navy bean soup, Boston baked beans (with or without pork), coffee and pies. An epicure would probably turn up his nose at a place like this, but just the same it is always crowded and sometimes you have to wait in line. And the people who come here to eat are not truck drivers or lowly laborers, either, for we have seen many prominent lawyers and city officials and judges and newspapermen eating in Riech's beaneries. Whenever we want good vegetable soup and Boston baked beans we always go to Riech's.




1931 - 1931


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