
Displaying 21 - 40 of 52
Place Street Address Topic Collection Community Structure Type Denomination Ethnicity Tags
Albert W. Sullivan House
4575 Lake Park Avenue
Chicago, IL
Buildings & Structures Historic American Buildings Survey Kenwood Residence
Ernest J. Magerstadt House
4930 South Greenwood Avenue
Chicago, IL
Buildings & Structures Historic American Buildings Survey Kenwood Residence
Bon Vivant (restaurant)
4367 Lake Park Ave.
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports Digitized Books Kenwood French restaurant
Balloon Park
50th and Cottage Grove
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports User Contributions Kenwood Entertainment facility
Sullivan, Louis
4471-4499 S Lake Park Ave
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families Chicago Tribute Markers Kenwood Monument genealogy
Morganfield, McKinley "Muddy Waters"
4339 S. Lake Park Ave.
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families Chicago Tribute Markers Kenwood African American genealogy
Rosenwald, Julius
4901 South Ellis Ave
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families Chicago Tribute Markers Kenwood Monument genealogy
Hotel Sutherland
Drexel Blvd. at 47th St.
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images ChicagoPC Postcards Kenwood Residence (multi-family) hotel
Villa-Maree Hotel
4929-31 S. Lake Park Ave.
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images ChicagoPC Postcards Kenwood Residence (multi-family) hotel
Caryl Court apartments
4537 Drexel Boulevard
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images American Terra Cotta Company Photographs Kenwood Built structure
Chicago Hospital
E. 49th St. and S. Drexel Blvd.
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images ChicagoPC Postcards Kenwood Healthcare facility Hospital
Apartment building
5020 Woodlawn Avenue
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images American Terra Cotta Company Photographs Kenwood Built structure
Gardiner General Hospital
1660 Hyde Park Blvd.
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images ChicagoPC Postcards Kenwood Healthcare facility Hospital
The Carrie McGill Memorial Residence of the Y. W.C.A.
4938 Drexel Blvd.
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images ChicagoPC Postcards Kenwood Residence (multi-family) hotel
4515 Drexel Blvd
4515 Drexel Blvd
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images Cushman Photographs Kenwood Residence
Croatian Franciscan Monastery
4848 S. Ellis Ave.
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images ChicagoPC Postcards Kenwood House of worship Croatian
Ultra Modern house
4914 Woodlawn
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images Cushman Photographs Kenwood Residence
First Baptist Church
E. 50th St. between Drexel Blvd. and S. Ellis Ave.
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images ChicagoPC Postcards Kenwood House of worship Baptist
932 E. 50th St
932 E. 50th St
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images Cushman Photographs Kenwood Residence
St. Xavier's Academy
S. Cottage Grove Ave. and E. 49th St.
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images ChicagoPC Postcards Kenwood Educational facility