Pennsylvania Railroad, South Branch Chicago River Bridge |
Spanning South Branch of Chicago River Bridge east of Canal Street
Chicago, IL
Buildings & Structures |
Historic American Buildings Survey |
Armour Square |
Bridge |
Red Store front |
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
Cushman Photographs |
Armour Square |
Building decoration |
S. Clark St. and W. 21st St. |
S. Clark St. and W. 21st St.
Chicago, IL
Crime |
Homicide In Chicago |
Armour Square |
Saint Anthony of Padua Church |
Chicago, IL
Sloan Photographs |
Armour Square |
House of worship |
Roman Catholic |
Saint Anthony of Padua Church |
Chicago, IL
Sloan Photographs |
Armour Square |
House of worship |
Roman Catholic |
Salem Evangelical Church |
Archer Avenue and 21st Street
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions |
User Contributions |
Armour Square |
House of worship |
German |
Macedonians |
Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church |
Princeton Avenue and 29th St.
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions |
Lutheran Churches |
Armour Square |
Lutheran |
Swedish |
Santa Maria Incoronata |
Alexander St. near Wentworth
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions |
Roman Catholic Churches |
Armour Square |
House of worship |
Roman Catholic |
Italian |
Church |
Santa Maria Incoronata - Santa Lucia |
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions |
Roman Catholic Churches |
Armour Square |
House of worship |
Roman Catholic |
Italian |
Church |
Schorling's Park |
39th between Wentworth and Princeton
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
New York Public Library Images |
Armour Square |
Entertainment facility |
African American |
Schomburg |
Schwickrath Residence |
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families |
CGS Pioneers |
Armour Square |
Residence |
Roman Catholic |
German |
pre-fire |
Society of Friends Monthly Meeting |
26th St. and Wentworth Ave.
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions |
Other Christian Churches |
Armour Square |
House of worship |
Friends |
St. Jerome Croatian |
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions |
Roman Catholic Churches |
Armour Square |
House of worship |
Roman Catholic |
Croatian |
Church |
St. Stephen's Evangelical Lutheran Church |
Between 36th and 37th on Butterfield St.
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions |
Lutheran Churches |
Armour Square |
Lutheran |
Danish |
St. Stephen's Lutheran Church |
Wentworth Ave. and 25th St.
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions |
Lutheran Churches |
Armour Square |
Lutheran |
German |
St. Therese Chinese Catholic Mission |
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions |
Roman Catholic Churches |
Armour Square |
House of worship |
Roman Catholic |
Chinese |
Tai Dong Restaurant |
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
ChicagoPC Postcards |
Armour Square |
restaurant |
The Chinese Emporium |
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
ChicagoPC Postcards |
Armour Square |
Commercial building |
Tynan Residence |
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families |
CGS Pioneers |
Armour Square |
Residence |
Irish |
prefire |
W. 25th and S. Wentworth Ave. |
W. 25th and S. Wentworth Ave.
Chicago, IL
Crime |
Homicide In Chicago |
Armour Square |