Brevoort Restaurant |
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports |
Digitized Books |
Loop |
restaurant |
Lauer Sisters Restaurant |
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
ChicagoPC Postcards |
Englewood |
restaurant |
Bavarian Hof Brau |
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
ChicagoPC Postcards |
Lincoln Park |
Built structure |
German |
restaurant |
Torino Italian Restaurant |
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports |
Digitized Books |
Near North Side |
Italian |
restaurant |
Huyler's (Restaurant) |
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports |
Digitized Books |
Near North Side |
restaurant |
The Surrey Restaurant |
S. Western Ave. at 105th St.
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
ChicagoPC Postcards |
Beverly |
restaurant |
Mickelberry's Restaurant |
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
ChicagoPC Postcards |
Beverly |
restaurant |
Cameo Restaurant |
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
ChicagoPC Postcards |
Near North Side |
Built structure |
restaurant |
Club El Rado |
235 East Garfield Boulevard
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports |
Digitized Books |
Washington Park |
restaurant |
North Star Inn |
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports |
Digitized Books |
Near North Side |
Italian |
restaurant |
Younker's Pine Room |
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
ChicagoPC Postcards |
Near North Side |
restaurant |
Natalby's German Restaurant |
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
ChicagoPC Postcards |
Loop |
German |
restaurant |
De Meck's Restaurant |
53rd St. and Lake Park Ave.
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
ChicagoPC Postcards |
Hyde Park |
Built structure |
restaurant |
Mandel's (restaurant) |
Northeast corner, State and Madison Streets
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports |
Digitized Books |
Loop |
restaurant |
Woman's Exchange |
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports |
Digitized Books |
Near North Side |
restaurant |
Deutsch's |
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports |
Digitized Books |
Loop |
Jewish |
restaurant |
Ricketts Bar |
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
ChicagoPC Postcards |
Lincoln Park |
restaurant |
Hardings at the Fair |
State, Adams, and Dearborn
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
ChicagoPC Postcards |
Loop |
Built structure |
restaurant |
The Golden Lily (restaurant) |
309 East Garfield Boulevard
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports |
Digitized Books |
Washington Park |
Chinese |
restaurant |
Colonial Tea Shop |
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports |
Digitized Books |
Near North Side |
restaurant |