African American

Displaying 1 - 20 of 74
Place Street Address Topic Collection Community Structure Type Denomination Ethnicity Tags
Appomattox Club
3632 S. Grand Blvd. (Now King Drive)
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images New York Public Library Images Douglas Organization African American Schomburg
Jackson, Mahalia
8358 South Indiana Avenue
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families Chicago Tribute Markers Chatham Residence Baptist African American singer
Olivet Baptist Church
, ,
27th and Dearborn
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions Digitized Books Douglas House of worship Baptist African American
Chicago's Interracial Debating Classic
41st St. and Martin Luther King Dr.
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Pullman Collection Grand Boulevard Organization African American debate
Holy Angels
605 E. Oakwood Boulevard
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions Roman Catholic Churches Grand Boulevard House of worship Roman Catholic African American, Irish Church
R. H. McGavock Residence
4528 S. Forrestville Ave.
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images New York Public Library Images Grand Boulevard Residence African American
Jones, John
119 South Dearborn
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families Chicago Tribute Markers Loop Business African American Cook County commissioner
St. Thomas Episcopal Church (Colored)
S. Wabash Ave. and E. 38th St.
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images ChicagoPC Postcards Douglas House of worship Episcopal African American
Labor Rally
49th St. and State St.
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Pullman Collection Grand Boulevard Educational facility African American
St. Ailbe
91st and Harper
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions Roman Catholic Churches Calumet Heights House of worship Roman Catholic African American Church
R. H. McGavock, Undertaker; Office building
3823-25 S. State
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images New York Public Library Images Douglas Business African American
Friendship Baptist Church
Lake and Ann St.
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions Digitized Books Near West Side House of worship Baptist African American
Morganfield, McKinley "Muddy Waters"
4339 S. Lake Park Ave.
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families Chicago Tribute Markers Kenwood African American genealogy
Vernon Park Church of God
9011 S. Stony Island Ave.
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions Other Christian Churches Calumet Heights House of worship African American
St. Monica
36th and Dearborn
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions Roman Catholic Churches Douglas House of worship Roman Catholic African American
Abbott, Robert S. (Home)
4742 South King Drive
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families Chicago Tribute Markers Grand Boulevard Residence African American journalism
Hermon Baptist
757 N. Clark
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions Digitized Books Lincoln Park House of worship Baptist African American
Mrs. Hulda Lewis Residence
746 E. 45th St.
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families Chicago Genealogist Grand Boulevard Residence Baptist African American african-american
St. Benedict the African - East
640 W. 66th St.
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions Roman Catholic Churches Englewood House of worship Roman Catholic African American
St. John Baptist Church
2619 State Street
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions Digitized Books Douglas House of worship Baptist African American