Wood's (restaurant)

Street Address: 
900 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL

Culled from: Drury, John. Dining in Chicago, New York: The John Day Company, 1931, pp. 144-145.

Note: The Newberry Library holds the personal papers of author John Drury.

WOOD'S, 930 North Michigan Avenue

Many a Chicago millionaire can remember being taken, when a child, to Wood's on Michigan Avenue for ice cream soda. This small but exclusive establishment, however, is an off-shoot of the parent house, located downtown at 108 South Michigan Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Wood serve delicious light luncheons and confections and they have a large following among the older first families of the town. Their creamed shrimps and creamed mushrooms are exquisite creations, nowhere to be duplicated. In recent years this Upper Michigan Avenue branch has become popular among debs for afternoon tea. Not very many men are seen here — but there's no reason why they should stay away.

Maitresse d'hotel: Mrs. Wood




1931 - 1931


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